Sister oh Sister
alla tankar i mitt huvud. vad ska jag göra av dom. jag blev helt stumm men lyckades få fram:
Justin- what?!
Pattie- yes.
justin- how? when?
Pattie- you know how baibes are made huh?
Justin-yes but tell me evrything now!
Pattie- yes. sitt down
Jag satte mej på en stol i köket o frösökte se koncentrera mej på på vad
Pattie-well, where does I start?
Justin- at the begining
Pattie- yes but.... but... okey.
Justin- well start.
Pattie- when you was 5 years old me and your dad got another baby, a girl. But she got a heart problem when she was born. and we could'nt afford it. so we had to give her to orphanage. it was a really hard time for me and your dad. sa Pattie med gråten i halsen
Justin- I....I....I... why did'nt you tell me about her? s
Pattie- well I did now did'nt I?
Justin- *suck*why does'nt I remember her?
Pattie- I guess you were so little back then and so much have happend since then.
Justin- How is her heart now?
Pattie- better. her Diseases name is Arrhythmia.
Justin- aha. does she have a pacemaker?
Pattie- yes.
Justin- and what brings her here now?
Pattie-her adoptive parents sais thatshe always wanted to meet her real family.
Justin- and she knows who we are?
Pattie- yes ofcourse.
Justin- and she's ok with you know the whole Justin bieber thing
pattie- well yes.
Justin- how old is she?
Pattie- 13
Justin-And her name is?
justin- Charlie, perfect
Pattie- yes, and are you sure are ready to meat her? tomorrow?
Justin- I dont know, yes?, no?, I dont have a choice?
Pattie- honey? you always have a choice. sa pattie med en moderligt tröstande röst.
Justin- thanks mom and witch time tomrrow?
Pattie- we are gonna pick her upp on the airport around 13: am
Justin- Right, can christian come with os?
Pattie- ofcourse if you really want to?
Justin- good I need some time for my self now.
Pattie- Ofcourse.
plötsligt hade jag glömmt allt med Selena. En syster. 13 år. Charlie.
Tårrarna stog mej i halsen.varför har dom inte sagt nåt?
Tankar svävade i mitt huvud men jag måste försöka glömma allt för en stund.
jag behöver sömn tills morgondagen.
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